Gaming analytics involves using user behavior data to guide decisions related to community engagement, user retention, and service performance. Guul provides administrators with tools to track and analyze their Gamespace’s performance and user activity. By utilizing the Analytics, Game Stats, and Active Members tabs, admins can visualize data and identify opportunities to enhance engagement, participation, and retention among users.
Key Functions for Tracking Engagement
Get a general overview of your Gamespace’s performance, including:
Total games played
Total game time
Active users
Overall engagement rate
You can filter this data by specific games or by time frames to get a more detailed view of activity.
Game Stats
Analyze data for each game, including:
Number of rooms created
Total and unique players
Total game-play duration
Most active player for each game
Active Members
Review user-based data to track individual engagement, including:
The last sign-in date for each user
Number of days active
Number of games played by each user