Invite Your Friends to Your Gamespace 🫂 📩

  1. Overview
  2. Guul Platform: A Complete Guide
  3. User Settings
  4. Invite Your Friends to Your Gamespace 🫂 📩

As an admin, you can invite as many friends as you like to join your Gamespace.

How to Invite Users

  • Invite via Sidebar: Use the Invite a Friend section in the left sidebar.

  • Invite via Admin Panel: Go to Admin Panel > Gamespace and use the Invite User section under Authorization.

Invite Users to Your Gamespace

  • Send Email Invitations: Enter your friends’ email addresses and click "Send Invite" to send them an invitation email directly from Guul.

  • Share Invitation Link: Alternatively, copy the invitation link and share it with your friends. Once they click the link, they can sign up and join your Gamespace.

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